One time when I was visiting Al he asked me to help him deal with some…
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The Thought That Counts
My friend Gameboy said he’d help me with a big event I was producing, the 2012…
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Puerto Rico 1999
Jon and I went to Puerto Rico in September of 1999. Neither of us really wanted…
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Me or a Ham Sandwich
By late 2011, I was finally beginning to get some recognition from Al’s caregivers at the…
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1: South Ferry, Manhattan
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Sometimes, admittedly not as often as I’d like, I learn from my…
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Want to hear the grossest thing ever? Okay not ever, but still gross enough. My car’s…
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High Five, Wi-Fi, & Dares
I have a hillbilly friend who stays here once a year for the unicycle festival. I…
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Chooze Something Else
Who the hell puts cream cheese in ice cream? Cream cheese is okay. Cheesecake is okay.…
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Directions & Perspective
For a while now I’ve been eying some of the brightly patterned back packs my students…
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Lost Wallet
I lost my wallet on the bench in the subway station near my house. Is it…
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